Need help with an EDA or verification project?

I like to help with...

  • Scripting in Lisp (Skill, Scheme, CL), Python, Perl, TCL
  • Development in C, C++, Java
  • Writing Verilog, VHDL
  • Writing & running tests, test harnesses, etc.
  • Debugging code, designs, tools
  • Writing microcode simulators, IPC, etc.
  • Writing patents, etc.

I am reliable, efficient and careful. I can work remotely or on-site (SF Bay Area).

Experienced developer, familiar with all aspects of early product development. I was an early member of the Cadence Analog Artist team, and a founder of Jasper Design Automation.

Familiar with front-end analog and digital design environments (simulation, formal tools).

Extensive educational background (BE EE, MSc CS, PhD EECS), papers, patents, etc.

I have worked for individuals exploring ideas, to start-ups (eg, Knowlent, CiraNova) to finding hardware bugs for major corporations (such as Sun, Apple).

I particularly enjoy a high-leverage, 'one-off' style of project.


Contact me at 510-926-5205 or - Joe Higgins